ClimaTek Adjustable Thermostat Replaces Whirlpool # 688475 688470 660368 660068 341903 341902 341681
This thermostat has an adjustable limit range of 135 - 175 degrees Fahrenheit and a differential of 20 degrees. Meaning that with this thermostat, the heating element will cut out in the range of 135 - 175 degrees and cycle back on once the internal temperature drops by 20 degrees.
Whirlpool Estate KitchenAid Roper Maytag Admiral Amana Speed Queen Jenn-Air Magic Chef Crosley Caloric Glenwood Hardwick Menumaster Modern Maid Montgomery Wards Norge JC Penney Wards Sears Kenmore
If the limit switch has blown, it might appear black or gray upon inspection. Also, your appliance likely has lost some of its capabilities. Even if you restore power to the appliance by resetting its main circuit breakers, tripped by the limit switch, the appliance might not heat properly. Only after you replace the switch will all of the appliance's typical competences return. Don't replace the switch until you identify the reason your appliance overheated and caused the switch to trigger; otherwise the issue might happen again.
3391381 688475 688470 660368 660068 341903 341902 341681 341197 339907 299750 299624 298250 295432 295429 291048 289250 238196 237443 232077 230213
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